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Born Again Prayer for the Morning

Here is a prayer for you to pray in the mornings before you start your day.

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." (Psalm nineteen:fourteen)

"In the forenoon, O Lord, I will direct my song and my prayer unto You lot and will look upwards." (Psalm v:three)

A Prayer for the Morning

God, this is the day that you have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. With gratitude, I thank you for preserving my life for one more 24-hour interval. With gratitude, I thank y'all for your ultimate gift of beloved for me, in the course of your son and the sacrifice of his life on my behalf. Because of this overwhelming gift that I often cannot comprehend, I humbly submit to you. I know Lord, that I am a mere homo and cannot instruct you lot, just you Lord can instruct me. So teach me your means that I may rely on your faithfulness. Teach usa to number our days and to use our time wisely.

I don't know what this day holds, but I know that you concur the day. It was you that laid the foundations of the Earth and therefore understands every part of information technology. I know that you continue the dominicus in the sky, the stars in place, and take created this World for me to inhabit and enjoy.

Throughout this day, may I be keenly aware of your presence in everything I do – as I commute to piece of work, driblet children off at school, proceed firm and speak with my neighbors. May my life be a living case and may others see Christ in me. There are many that are hurting in this world – may I exist a relieve to someone today Lord, in a way that I can't fifty-fifty imagine. May my words exist seasoned with salt and minister grace to all that hear. May my actions be aligned with your Word.

I pray for wisdom that is peaceable, gentle, and outgoing, with lots of mercy and fairness. Y'all said an unlimited supply of wisdom is available to me if I just enquire, so I pray for wisdom to know how to deal with the many people and situations that will cantankerous my path.

I pray for protection throughout this mean solar day; protect from impairment and evil; go earlier me, to the left and right of me and behind me. Order my steps and so that I walk worthy of your calling throughout this day. That I may be attuned to your promptings – whether it shows up as a gentle tug or a strong conviction.

I pray for reconciliation in families, in nations, and to you. I pray that all may come up to know you and be reconciled back to You.

Lord, you know my faults and my flaws – forgive me for existence unkind with my words and my thoughts; forgive me for beingness cocky-serving; forgive me for holding on to old wounds instead of giving them to yous. Forgive me, Lord.

When I am overwhelmed, dislocated, unsure, and restless, assist me run to your Discussion. May your Word come live to me so that it is a living guide in every situation. Aid me, Lord, to remember the promises of your Give-and-take and bring the correct passage to my remembrance for the situation. I admit Lord that I need to spend more time with y'all reading and praying and so that I am prepared for whatever the day brings. Lord, I know that your Give-and-take is indeed a light unto my anxiety and a light unto my path.

Remove fright and anxiety. As believers, y'all have not given usa a spirit of fear, but of love power, and a sound mind. So when nosotros are fearful, may we call up your love for us and use that love as the impetus to love others and see situations differently; may we tap into the power that yous take given us – for we are never alone because y'all take not left us comfortless. May your wisdom exist the underpinnings for our sound minds. May we remember that we don't have to be anxious and when we are tempted to exist anxious or worrisome, may we enunciate our concerns to you and then leave them there every bit you instructed us. Our worry does us no good and limits united states, and you practise more with our worry than we e'er could. So aid the states to plough all of our anxious thoughts and nerve-wracking situations over to you; to truly practice that and trust that you are working. That you are working all things together for our good because you beloved united states; that you are working in means that we cannot encompass because your means replace ours. And that in this working you are molding u.s.a. continually into masterpieces fit for your employ. Y'all are increasing our religion and our capacity to dear.

As a child of yours Lord, I know that I am your masterpiece though I experience and so far from it. Help me to remember my worth in you when I'm faced with challenging situations. When I feel depressed, help me to recollect that I'm appallingly and wonderfully made in your image – a replica of you and that you loved me so much y'all thought that I was worth dying for. I don't know too many people that would die for me, just you did, and I'm eternally grateful and humbled.

For the unseen, Lord, give thanks you lot. You lot are beyond understanding, yous are abundant, and transcend all things. I submit all to you today, Amen.

Download a Personal Copy of Powerful Morning Prayers to Start Each Day

Additional Morning Prayers

Here are seven more morning prayers to assist you focus your mind and centre as yous start the solar day. Seek the presence of God when y'all wake upwardly and commit the day to His purpose and plan! You tin can experience daily peace when you lot take your worries to God in prayer and experience the power of a grateful heart.

A Prayer for First Affair in the Morning

Good forenoon, Lord! Thanks for a new day. Thank You that Your compassion is renewed every morning. Great is Your faithfulness and Your steadfast love, O Lord!
I don't know what all is going to happen today, and how much I'll go done, but You lot do. Then I give this day to Y'all.

Make full me with Your Holy Spirit, Begetter. Energize me for Your piece of work, considering You know how tired these bones are. Awaken me to the wonder of Your salvation, and quicken my spirit to the reality of Your work in my life. Lord, my listen is filled with artistic ideas, just they're all jumbled. Holy Spirit, come and hover over my listen like You lot hovered over the waters at creation and speak order out of the chaos! Help me to stop striving and to trust that You will give me all I need today to exercise the work You've given me to do.

You lot will exist faithful to consummate the good work Yous've started, and as I step out into my 24-hour interval, I declare Your sovereignty over every area of my life. I entrust myself to Yous and inquire that Y'all apply me even so You see fit. This day is Yours. My body is Yours. My mind is Yours. Everything I am is Yours. May You be pleased with me today. Amen. (Asheritah Ciuciu)

A Powerful Morning Prayer to Focus Your Heart on God

Forgive us for being too decorated or distracted by other things, for not fully recognizing what you've so freely given, and all that Christ has done for us. Help u.s. to end striving and to retrieve once again that you alone are God. We choose to press in close to you today and to continue y'all first in our hearts and lives. May we walk in your wisdom and purposes, may nosotros stay strong and truthful to you.

We pray for your protection over our lives, our families, and other believers. We enquire for your manus to comprehend us and keep usa distanced from the evil intent of the enemy – that you would exist a barrier over us and that we would find refuge in you. Nosotros pray that y'all would give us discernment and insight across our years to understand your will, hear your vocalization, and know your means.

We ask that you lot would go on our footsteps firm on solid footing, helping united states of america to be consistent and faithful. Give us supernatural endurance to stay the course, not swerving to the right or to the left, or being too easily distracted by other things that would seek to phone call us away from a close walk with you lot.

In the powerful Name of Jesus, we pray, Amen. (Debbie McDaniel)

A Daily Prayer for Wisdom

Requite me wisdom from your truths, fill me with a desire to faithfully follow after you, more than whatsoever other thing. Thank you that you are far greater than whatever I may face in the day. Thanks that your presence goes with me and that your joy is never dependent on circumstances, but it is my true and lasting strength. I ask for your peace to lead me and for your grace and goodness to encompass my life this day. Let your Spirit and ability exhale in me and through me again, fresh and new.

And fifty-fifty though I woke up with the aforementioned troubles I had yesterday, I know there is bang-up power in my choices. So today, dear God, once more, I choose to listen for your voice to a higher place everything else. Forgive me for not trusting yous enough. Forgive me for spinning my wheels and trying to piece of work everything out all on my own. Assistance me to truly allow go of what you accept asked me to release to y'all and to believe that you're at work in ways I can't fully meet. Assist me in my unbelief. (Debbie McDaniel)

A Morning Prayer for Joy and Strength

I choose to detect my joy and strength in you today. I choose to walk in beloved. I cull to ready my eyes on y'all and off all the struggles and chaos of this world. I choose your peace over worry. I choose kindness over a hurry. I choose forgiveness over disunity and resentment. I choose your Spirit-filled power over-relying on my own strength and power. I know that my life is far from perfect, and the enemy would want nothing more than to accept me directly downwards before I even get out the door. But I believe in your truth, and I have Jesus in my life, and because of that, I have all that I need to live complimentary and abundantly for this very twenty-four hour period.

Lord, open up my eyes to see the ability in your Word. Open up my ears to know what y'all are saying. Fill up me with your Holy Spirit and depict me shut into your Presence. Speak to me and bear witness me your means, oh Lord. Assist me to know your voice above all else.

I love y'all and I need you today. Thank yous for your huge grace. In Jesus' Name, Amen. (Debbie McDaniel)

A Prayer for Each New Morning

Dear Lord,

Each and every morn equally I begin to wake, I pray that the first idea of each new twenty-four hours would be of Yous and of your unfailing dear for me. I pray that Yous would give me wisdom for every single situation I will be facing today. Show me what I should do and where I should get. I trust my life to you. Amen. (Tiffany Thibault)

A  Prayer for a Practiced Twenty-four hours

Dear Lord, Thank you for getting me upwardly this morning time to greet another twenty-four hour period and live for You lot. Y'all make my life truly good. I know that at that place are a k dissimilar things that can go wrong today, but I cull to focus on Your goodness. I pray that You will help me have a skillful day today, despite my changing circumstances. Requite me the wisdom and discernment to know how I can help someone or reach out to someone who is hurting. Aid me exist a good part of someone else's mean solar day, and encourage me to call back of others before myself. And at the finish of this day, remind me to thank you for every blessing You have given me. May I ever accept delight in every minor or big blessing from You God. In your name, I pray Jesus. Amen. (Carrie Lowrance)

Thank you for This Mean solar day

Lord, cheers for this solar day. Cheers that you lot hold all of our days and knowing everything that will happen today. Please, go before me today. Requite me strength in the midst of weariness and hope in the midst of any frustrations or hurts. I need you Lord, every hour, I need y'all. I surrender this day to you, trusting in your mercy, strength, and grace. (Kelly O'Dell Stanley)

Nylseis a Christian wife and a mother of four who loves life and inspiring others. She likes to take fun but is very clear on who she is and who she is. A prolific thinker, she blogs to encourage others from a Christian perspective at She can exist found online on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, and besides exist reached via email at

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