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What Color Does Red Blue and Green Make

Red and Green colors are opposite; Red is a primary color, and green is a secondary color. They mix well to produce another color entirely. There are different accounts of the final color that red and green makes; hence, you must analyze the situation to determine what color to expect. Aside from Red, other primary colors are; Yellow and Blue, while secondary colors are; Orange, Green, and Violet. Tertiary colors are Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, and Red-violet. Tertiary colors are those formed when primary colors are mixed with secondary colors.

So What Color Does Red and Green Make?

A mixture of red color with green color will produce a yellow color. In some cases, the intensity of any of the two colors may result in a Yellow-grey final color.

What Are The Different Methods Of Color Mixing?

There are two types of color mixing options, and these are; additive and subtractive color mixing.

1. The Additive Color Mixing

The additive color mixing is not the traditional way of mixing colors that we perform every day. Today's modern system has become a standard method of mixing color that we see every day without realizing it.

In additive mixing, you can use varying combinations of spectral light when mixing different colors. The additive color mixing method is quite commonly used in the media; for instance, it is pretty standard how colors are projected on computer and television screens.

With additive mixing, there are two ways through which colors can be mixed, and these are; The use of two colors and the other one is the use of two or more spectral color lights.

In the additive mix of two colors, electron guns in the television, for instance, will fire two different colors rapidly, and your eyes will see these colors mixed into a completely new emerged color. In the other type of additive color mixing, two or more lights are combined by placing them close to each other, thus causing your naked eyes to mix them into different colors.

2. Subtractive Color Mixing

The subtractive method of mixing colors is more of an intuitive process associated with the traditional way of mixing colors. The subtractive method of mixing colors is noticed when pigments within a specific object absorb white light and then reflect other remaining pigments comprised within the color.

For instance, the red color reflects all the wavelengths of white light except the red pigment. This simple explanation is how our mind will perceive the color, whereas other colors are not reflected outwards.

This is the simple technique behind subtractive color mixing. This method is usually used in print production.

The Different Color Wheels

Color wheels are used in differentiating between additive and subtractive color mixing options.

1. The RGB Color Wheel

In the RGB wheel, red, blue, and green are the primary colors of light used on the wheel. The mixing of the primary colors forms the secondary colors. The mixture of two or more primary colors results in the formation of Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta.

Looking at the placement of primary colors in the RGB color wheel, the mixing of the red and green colors will create Yellow secondary color. A mixture of Green and Blue primary colors will result in the formation of Cyan secondary color. The mix of Red with blue primary color will lead to the formation of Magenta secondary color.

The RGB color wheel for color production using light spectrum is almost directly opposite the CMYK color wheel option. The RBG color wheel uses the additive method of mixing colors to create new colors, while the CMYK uses the subtractive process of color mixing to operate.

 2. The CMYK Color Wheels

Unlike the RBG color wheels used in the combination of colors along the light spectrum, the primary colors in the CMYK are Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow- These are the secondary colors formed in the RBG color wheels. Since the primary colors in the CMYK are the secondary colors in the RBG color wheels, new colors can come out from mixing secondary colors.

In the print processing industry, color combinations are produced by overlapping the layers of the primary colors- Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow (CMY). These overlapping are done in varying transparency percentages. Light is transmitted through the ink and then reflects off the surface below, and that is called the substrate once the colors overlap.

The Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow CMY ink is typically applied as halftone dots and then subtract the inverse percentage of the RBG (Red, Blue, and Green) from the reflected light so that your eyes can perceive the eventual intended color.

What Are Complementing Colors?

Complementing colors can be referred to as two colors sitting across each other on their color wheels. These two opposite colors will often turn gray when they are mixed.

In the CMYK color wheel, for instance, red and green colors were revealed as complementing colors. When you combine red and green in the true sense, they will produce shades of gray and brown, depending on the particular shades you are working on at that moment.

For instance, red with a blue-green color mixes may combine certain pigments that may appear as gray to your eyes. A saccharine green, on the other hand, with red, may combine to create a more brown color. This brown color was brought about by the significant abundance of Yellow pigments in the green color, contributing to the creation of warmer tones in the color mixture combination.

With this in mind, the final result you get from color mixes will depend on the type of mixing method.

It will largely depend on the mixing option you used in mixing the colors. You may see a yellow glow on the screen when you use the additive color mixing or a shade of brown and grey when you use the subtractive method of color mixing. For this reason, there could be several answers to the question of what final color will come out of a mixture of red and green.

Knowing the media or method, you plan to use in mixing is very important when deciding which colors to mix. You may want to play around with different colored lights and paints by mixing the red and green colors to get different hues and shades.

What You Should Know About Color Schemes Or Harmony

Creating harmony between colors means increasing or decreasing the intensity of a component color or the final results. To make the color darker, for instance, means creating a shade of the original color. In most cases, you may add a bit of dark to make the intensity of the color lowered.

Another way of darkening a color is by adding a complementary color that is the opposite color on the wheel. This will produce a color richer than just adding black. Some of the most prominent complimentary colors you can use in creating harmony are; blue/orange, green/red, black/white, and yellow/purple.

The intensity of color refers to the brightness or dullness of the color; for instance, a bright red or dull Red refers to the intensity of the color.

1. Monochrome Harmony

Monochrome, which refers to one color, is a harmony that includes one color in a different value (value is the lightness or darkness of a color). An excellent example of a monochrome color scheme or harmony is any color mix with white, black, or gray.

2. Adjacent Color

This is also called analogous color, and it uses the colors that are its neighbors on the color wheel. Reds and oranges, for instance are adjacent colors used in creating different color harmonies.

3. Single Split Complement Color

This color uses a primary color on either side of its complement. A good example is the various intensities of greens, violet-reds and orange-reds.

4. A Triad

This is a color harmony created by using colors at different points of the equilateral triangle- This is a combination of three colors spaced equally on the color wheel. They are often referred to as balanced colors. An example of the triad color scheme is; Red, blue and yellow, and the white, black grays.


In color mixes, there are cooler and warmer colors. The warm colors are known to create higher intensity and make final colors thicker or more intense. Warmer colors include reds, yellows and oranges. The cooler colors are known to reduce the intensities of the final color obtain from the color scheme. Blue, green and violets are cooler colors that can be used in reducing the intensities of final colors in the color mixing scheme. Neutral colors work like cooler colors, and they include black, white, and grays. Different color relationships can be created with monochrome, adjacent colors, triad, single split complement, and double-split complement.

Jake is a passionate entrepreneur and writer who likes to spend a large chunk of his time researching, reading and writing. He aims to keep web surfers engaged with the latest news and articles on a wide range of topics. When he's not writing, he's busy catching a tan on the beach in Florida.

What Color Does Red Blue and Green Make
